Bootstrap your business decisions with our customer-focused ready-to-use products.
We care about simplicity as much as you do
All our products are designed with a focus of minimizing hardware costs
Honesty is one of our core values
We leverage core skillsets and world-class team synergy through enterpriseness to provide clients worldwide with robust, scalable, modern turnkey implementations of flexible, personalized, cutting-edge Internet-enabled e-business application product suite e-solution architectures that accelerate response to customer and real-world market demands and reliably adapt to evolving technology needs, seamlessly and efficiently integrating and synchronizing with their existing legacy infrastructure, enhancing the e-readiness capabilities of their e-commerce production environments across the enterprise while giving them a critical competitive advantage and taking them to the next level.
All the benefits of the enterprise plan, plus: |
You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License |
As published by the Free Software Foundation |
Either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version |
For open source developers |
Best value!
All the benefits of the free plan, plus: |
24/7 support |
99.9% SLA |
30 day money back guarantee |
For indie developers |
All the benefits of the indie plan, plus: |
Phone and fax support |
99.999999% SLA |
Java |
For enterprise scalable business solutions |
Not really asked by anyone
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: Every single component of our server architecture is designed to scale by using asynchronous nonblocking cloud-based on-demand buzzwords. Consistent usage of buzzwords is known to guarantee both maximum hardware resource usage and trivial deployment of additional capacity.
In our scientific laboratory tests, we have found out that our platform supports running code that saturates on CPU and scales to all cores.
This is the benchmark we used, based on the industry standard "Hello world"
$ echo 'main(){while(1){}}' | gcc -xc - $ for i in seq `nproc`; do ./a.out &; done
dx (AKA dequis)
I'm some random programmer. I like python. C is fun, too. My github stats say that I love java but that's a lie.
I live my life ironically. Seriousness is a concept that has abandoned my soul a long time ago. My existence is no more than an in-joke, only understood by a group of people who have already trascended the mundane parameters of society, and as such, they cannot laugh.
I like chinese cartoons and shitty dubstep.
The contact info section up there is real btw.